For millions of years mankind lived just like animals .Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination We learned to talk . Why won't you talk to me. You never talk to me.What are you thinking.What are you feeling Why won't you talk to me. Where do we go from here. It doesn't have to be like this All we need to do is make sure we keep talking . Keep Talking

Thursday, November 30, 2006

....of panoRAMA's

Rainbow Panorama Near West Coast
Port Louis Panorama with Shuba
7 Coloured Sands Below

Okie guys ... i am sure everybody has heard about panoramic views Pano photographs etc.... I have been clicking Panorama's from quite some time...
during the Analog times .. the process used to be ;
Set the Camera on a tripod, set Degrees of View, select view, Take exposure Reading , Set expo

sure , click , turn 30 degrees , set exposure ,check overlap, click .. so on and so forth, Come back analyze stitch stitch stitch the snaps !!!! And make a Panorama !!!! phew...

In the Digi Age ... it is Just click , click , click ... download , open panorama make , upload and VOILA you have a peeeerrrfect Panorama ... Complete with exposure corrections ! Cropping etc .... even the keenest of the eye will not know where the pics are merging !!!

Technology AHOY ! Cheers and enjoy the panorama's above taken in Mauritius - A rainbow in full glory , a view of Port Louis and 7 Coloured Sands !!! Click on the images to see a larger file.

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